13 Nov

Today’s Affirmation:

I embrace the positive energy surrounding me today, I open my heart and mind to new possibilities and opportunities. As the stars align in my favor, I am filled with confidence, self-love, and a sense of purpose.”

We’ve looked outside ourselves for love since we were tiny, as this is how we Positive energy  found comfort and love as kids. We received praise and recognition for the things we’ve done, as a result, we looked outside ourselves to connect with our self-worth. The truth is, the love you’re looking for starts within.

As we move forward, repeat.

Thank you, Universe, for presenting me with this new beginning. I choose to see it as a divine offering to heal my mind and body, I show up with love and grace In my heart, leaving behind the old stories that kept me stuck. I welcome support. Not only that, but I am ready to receive divine guidance that will show me where to go and what to do. I trust I am being guided, so I don’t need to fear if what I wish to manifest will happen. Doubting my process is a state of fear, and I release myself from fear today.

Manifesting is the process by which you can make your dreams a reality. It involves visualizing your dreams, thinking positive thoughts, forming encouraging hopes, and acting consistent with such expectations and beliefs. I challenge you to let go of the inner critic. The voice that may tell you're not enough. If you tell yourself negative stories, that is what you will manifest. Which is why I take your mind to a different place that invites in exactly as you want.

If you could benefit from a self-love journal and other mediations techniques, head over to

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